Introduction of Python - Bug Reaper

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Sunday 10 August 2014

Introduction of Python

Python is a dynamic, strongly typed, object oriented, multipurpose programming language, designed to be quick (to learn, to use, and to understand), and to enforce a clean and uniform syntax.
1.)Python is dynamically typed: it means that you don't declare a type (e.g. 'integer') for a variable name, and then assign something of that type (and only that type). Instead, you have variable names, and you bind them to entities whose type stays with the entity itself. a = 5 makes the variable name a to refer to the integer 5. Later, a = "hello" makes the variable name a to refer to a string containing "hello"

2.)Python is strongly typed. It means that if a = "5" (the string whose value is '5') will remain a string, and never coerced to a number if the context requires so. Every type conversion in python must be done explicitly

3.)Python is object oriented, with class-based inheritance. Everything is an object (including classes, functions, modules, etc)

4.)Python is multipurpose: it is not specialised to a specific target of users .It is extended through modules and libraries

5.)Python enforces correct indentation of the code by making the indentation part of the syntax. There are no control braces in Python. Blocks of code are identified by the level of indentation. 

6.)The code is compiled into byte code and then executed in a virtual machine. This means that precompiled code is portable between platforms.

Python can be used for any programming task, from GUI programming to web programming with everything else in between. 
 Python is used pretty much wherever a programmer who knows Python wants to focus on solving a problem instead of struggling with implementation details. You'll find it in games, web applications, network servers, scientific computing, desktop tools, application scripting, etc.

What Programmer Says--

Peter Norvig is a well-known Lisp author and Director of Search Quality at Google (thanks to

Guido van Rossum for pointing that out). He says that Python has always been an integral part of
Google. You can actually verify this statement by looking at the Google Jobs
[] page which lists Python knowledge as a requirement for
software engineers.

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