WebDriverIo - Bug Reaper

                  Bug Reaper

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Thursday, 22 December 2022


WebDriver IO Architecture

WebdriverIO: WebdriverIO built on top of NodeJS which communicates with NodeJS.

WebdriverIO is a tool used to create automated browser tests.

NodeJS: NodeJS is an open-source project which helps to run the Javascript runtime environment.


Node.js (https://nodejs.org/en/)

Follow the instructions for install. To check installation is successful, run

node -v in the terminal, you should see the Node version installed.

NPM ( https://www.npmjs.com/)

This will be installed with node. To check, run npm -v in the terminal, you should see the NPM version installed. If not installed, follow the instructions for install from the link above.

A text editor for Javascript

For example, Atom (https://atom.io/).

Java (https://www.java.com/en/download/).

Installed and added to your path (this is a requirement for Webdriverio).

How Flow works in WebDriverIO

JavaScript written by the user sends a request by WebdriverIO via nodeJS to the Services which is in the form of HTTP command using JSON Wire Protocol. Now, services forward the request to browsers to perform user actions.

The Following are the supported reporters’ examples:

Allure Reporter

Mochawesome Reporter

CucumberJS JSON Reporter

The following are an example of the supported services

Selenium Standalone Service

ChromeDriver Service

Docker Service

The followings are the test framework supports




Why WebDriverIO

WebDriverIO framework is being widely used by the testing community to perform automation testing on both web applications and native mobile applications. The tests performed on WebdriverIO are simple and concise.

The Key Features of WebDriverIO:

Run automation tests both for web applications as well as native mobile apps

Simple and Easy Syntax

Integrating tests to third-party tools such as Appium.

‘Wdio setup wizard’ to make the setup simple and easy. (WDIO--> WebDriver IO Setup)

Integrated test runner

WebdriverIO has support for asynchronous commands, we don't need to write waits and all

WebDriverIO Vs Selenium WebDriver

Selenium is used for automating browsers, while WebDriverIO is used for automating both browsers and native mobile apps.

In Power Shell

mkdir WebDriverIOTutorials 

cd WebDriverIOTutorials

Create an NPM project(package.json) (Package.json is just like your pom.xml

by running below command on terminal

npm init -y

The -y is “Yes’. When you run the above command, it starts asking some questions and for those questions, you are saying Yes for all questions asked during initializing.

This will Create package.json file.

Sample Below Screenshot


Install WebdriverIO CLI

To install WebDriverIO CLI, execute the below command in the terminal.

npm i --save-dev @wdio/cli

I option is to install

–save-dev saves the dependencies in package.json so that if you share this project with a colleague, he/she need not repeat the same activity.

Now Package,json looks like below

Go to Location--> C:\Users\T460\Desktop\WebDriverIOTutorials\node_modules\.bin

Type below command

npm i webdriverio --save-dev  (Install WebDriverIo)

./wdio config -y

Again -y is Yes and you are giving your consent to all prompts asked during the configuration process.

This command will create a “wdio.conf.js” javascript configuration file 

You will see WebDriveIO dependencies installed

Note: Now you will see All dependencies downloaded in node_modules folder

Learn more about WebDriverIO CLI

https://webdriver.io/docs/clioptions/  (Very Good Resource)

Now Create Test case

Go to Location 


Type Command

 mkdir -p ./test/specs

Sample Script

const assert = require('assert')

describe('Bugreaper Blog page', () => {

   it('should have the Correct Page title', () => {


       const title = browser.getTitle()

       assert.notStrictEqual(title, '                  Bug Reaper')



Execute Test cases

Note: In above test case it() is coming from Mocha library

Run below command

PS C:\Users\T460\Desktop\WebDriverIOTutorials> ./node_modules/.bin/wdio run wdio.conf.js

? Error: Could not execute "run" due to missing configuration. Would you like to create one? Yes

Refer Below Screenshot

After Configuration is ready you will see something like below

Configuration file was created successfully!

To run your tests, execute:

$ npx wdio run wdio.conf.js

Now Run below command and you will see browser will launched

PS C:\Users\T460\Desktop\WebDriverIOTutorials> npx wdio run wdio.conf.js

Setup Allure Report

Run below command in PowerShell

npm install @wdio/allure-reporter --save-dev


Configure the output directory in your wdio.conf.js file:

Note: change reporters: [spec] to below

    reporters: [['allure', {

        outputDir: 'allure-results',


Run the Test case

npx wdio run wdio.conf.js

Generate Allure Report

allure generate --clean allure-results

Open Allure Report

allure open

For more follow Blog


Install Chai (Chai provides assertion library for JS framework)

npm i --save-dev chai

Install WebDriverIO Chai

npm install chai-webdriverio --save-dev

Install Local-runner

npm i local-runner --save-dev

Sample Assertion

var chai=require("chai");

const { assert, expect } = require('chai');

expect(1,"It failed").to.be.equal(2);

Sample Chai Assertion

//chai asserstion

 expect(browser.getUrl()).equals("https://www.freshworks.com/contact/","Looks like URL is incorrect");

How to Execute one Test class only

npx wdio run wdio.conf.js --spec sample.js (Here sample.js is our test class file)

Mocha has hooks

Go to wdio.conf.js

We will configure BeforeTest

Uncomment--> beforeTest--> Shortcut for Uncomment--> Ctrl+k+u

Shortcut for Comment--> Ctrl+k+c


     * Function to be executed before a test (in Mocha/Jasmine) starts.


    beforeTest: function () {

        const chai=require('chai')

        const chaiWebDriver=require('chai-webdriverio').default






Note: "scripts" Section in package.json is like we have surefireplugin to run test

We can setup some basic things in wdio.conf.js

Sample Script

describe('Test Amazon', function(){

    it("WebElements", function(){



        const search=$('#twotabsearchtextbox')



        search.setValue('Mac Book')




        search.addValue('Mac Book Again')



        const logo=$('#nav-logo-sprites')



        const signIn=$('#a-autoid-0-announce')

        browser.waitUntil(()=> signIn.isClickable())





BASEURL--> we can set in --> wdio.conf.js

Use below snippet and baseURL will be fetched from wdio.conf.js


If you want to append URL next to BASE URL


How to Pause Script


How to Log in Console

console.log("Text here-->"+homePage.getChildElementText(1))

How to Press Keys

write a modular Helper Function




Below Snippet is example how to press Tab Key




Maximize Browser Window


ScrollPage using ScrollIntoView()


Select Value from Drop Down



Print Values from Drop Down

Below Function to get list of Elements 

 get queryTypeList(){

        return $$(".field-dropdown>select>option")


Below Function to print values from Drop Down

 let listQuery=homePage.queryTypeList

        console.log("List size-->"+listQuery.length)

        for (let index = 0; index < listQuery.length; index++) {

            console.log("List value-->"+listQuery[index].getText())


Select Element from Drop Down is there is no Select Tag in DOM

Below Function to get list of Elements 

 get queryTypeList(){

        return $$(".field-dropdown>select>option")


Below Function to Select Desired values from Drop Down


        let listQuery=homePage.queryTypeList

        console.log("List size-->"+listQuery.length)

        for (let index = 0; index < listQuery.length; index++) {

            console.log("List value-->"+listQuery[index].getText())







Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be present within the DOM. 



  it("Add or Remove Elements",function(){




        assert.equal(true,homePage.deleteElement.isExisting(),"Not Existing")


How to MoveTo Element


Explicit Wait, wait Until Method


            return getStartedButton.isDisplayed()===true 

        }),6000, "Email is not displayed"


How to Create TestSuite Runner

Make an entry of suite block in wdio.conf,js

Same Entry we have to make in package.json

Example in wdio.conf.js


        testelements: [ 




Example in package.json

"scripts": {

    "testelements": "node_modules/.bin/wdio wdio.conf.js --suite testelements",


Note: Here we have added "testelements" block in json files
The Path--> /test/elements/*.js  (where our test scripts are present)

How To Run above suite from command line


 npm run --suite testelements

How to pass TestData in TestCases

Create a class example logindata.js

module.exports = {

    username: 'Neeraj',


Now we will use this class

First define import the loginData.js file where you want to use this

const loginData=require("../testdata/logindata")

Use in Test Function

  it("Enter Text and Tab KEY Event",function(){











Retry Failed Test cases in WebDriverIO

describe("Home Page Element",function(){

    this.retries(2)// This will retry the failed Test case

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